Yes, we require that children are potty trained in order to attend the Good Life Preschool. We define fully potty trained by no more than two accidents per week consistently and able to go potty on their own without prompting. We also know that many times when starting in a new environment that children that are potty trained will regress, this is completely normal for a few weeks up to a month. If you need potty training ideas, feel free to reach out to us!
Also, if your child is “close to being potty trained”, come for a tour and bring them with. This has helped many of our children that want to start school get motivated by seeing where they get to go and it can help them over that potty training hump!
Teachers are near when children use the bathroom, but the child is in the bathroom alone with the door shut, unless the child asks for help. We encourage children to use flushable wipes after a bowel movement. Teachers will be available for assistance if the child has already used the flushable wipes and is still asking us for help. We encourage parents to practice this skill at home.